Fokker Aerostructures specializes in production of integrated aircraft structures and modules. At the Fokker assembly line for the Airbus A350-900 Outboard Flap in Papendrecht, NL, rapid improvements were needed to increase production of the
A350-900 as a new production line was looming. To address non-compliance issues, Fokker turned to KT troubleshooting processes. Within two months, Fokker met client requirements, reduced costs and acted quickly to resolve issues, eliminate new problems and meet new demands.

Yanfeng Automotive Interiors provides full-service production and design of automotive interior systems and components. KT process plays a key role in the company’s continuous improvement program. While plants in Germany,
Mexico, China and the US made an instrument panel, a defect appeared only in Germany.
KT trouble-shooting pinpointed how this automated process could be different in the German plant, and corrections were made and tested, avoiding potential recalls and inspections that could have cost upwards of $2 million.
Civil Air Patrol, the civilian arm of the US Air Force, conducts 95% of all inland search and rescue operations. Every two years, to ensure readiness, the Air Force runs an evaluated exercise for each state’s wing Using KT Potential Problem Analysis, the Wing
was able to contain risk despite simulated loss of power, people, communications and other eventualities. The Wing not only passed but also built preparedness for real-life emergencies, and it set an example to emulate for other wings.

Rockwell Automation is the world’s largest company dedicated to industrial automation and information solutions. Inside of the RAAMP™ Program, Rockwell Automation has embedded KT Problem Solving & Decision Making methods as a shared language for solving problems, making decisions, and managing risk and opportunity.
With these KT skills, the RAAMP™ Program has initiated hundreds of projects in 2015 that have achieved millions in new cost optimization and productivity solutions/opportunities for Rockwell Automation’s international customer base and addition savings for its customers through reduced downtime, migration support, and other support services.

Fokker Aerostructures is a specialist in integrated aircraft structures and modules in an industry that demands first-time-right. A KT program was rolled out across sites that included Problem Solving & Decision Making training, coaching and facilitation, process
integration into daily and weekly structures, and performance alignment. A drastic reduction in non-conformances saved millions of euros. A proactive culture has replaced the “fire-fighting” of reactive problem solving and KT is being rolled out internationally.

NS BlueScope Malaysia, a leading supplier of steel products and solutions for the construction industry, has manufacturing facilities in Malaysia. A KT program of training, coaching, facilitation and process integration improved the quality of data collection, the speed and accuracy of root cause analysis and
the ability to sustain change. Teams working in English and Malay achieved savings valued at $800k (MYR3.3million) in the within six months and anticipate annualized savings of $1.4 million (MYR5.6million). The operation is now a top performer in the ASEAN Region.
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