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Client Success

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Stories Speak

Client success stories provide insights into how Kepner-Tregoe consulting and training services resulted in measurable improvements in targeted KPIs.

Client success stories are organized by industry, but many are relevant across industries because they illustrate dramatic results based on the application of analytic thinking to the problems, plans and decisions made by individuals and teams in our increasingly digitized and changing business environment.

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Automotive Manufacturers and Suppliers


Learn how critical thinking skill development is used globally for swiftly resolving complex issues across the automotive industry. Case studies from ADAC Plastics, Corning Environmental Technologies, Honda Motor Company and Honda Motorcycles, each show successful outcomes using Kepner-Tregoe methodologies for different challenges experienced in the automotive industry, plus proactively managed critical issues.


KT continues to strengthen management capability, speed problem solving, and improve efficiency in achieving objectives. At one plant, introduction of KT processes to achieve and sustain quality standards for “fit and finish” issues improved manufacturing efficiency and reduced defects. Effective solutions have Increased market share and set new records for customer satisfaction and safety.

Improving Performance by Thinking Differently

Aerospace & Defense

In the aerospace industry quality expectations are extremely high and clients demand first time right. Seeking to prevent problems and resolve issues at high speed, Fokker’s Driving Quality program turned to KT-method. To address non-conformities, Fokker wanted to increase their issue resolution maturity. This meant improving the quality and completeness of information about problems, accelerate root cause analysis and involve the right people at the right time.


Success has been measured in a drastic reduction in non-conformities which is saving millions of euros yearly. • Significant decrease in spin-off costs of approximately 4.5 million euro • Non-Conformity (NC) reduction of up to 70% in 3 years in specific departments • Production more streamlined • Structural tackling of (underlying) causes of problems, rather than the symptoms

Collaborative, Customer-Focused, Efficient, Proactive—Organization Transformed and Over $2.5M Saved

Aerospace & Defense

BAE Electronic Solutions (ES) in Manassas, Virginia—leverages its know-how in the selection, acquisition, development, and application of electronics technology to meet the needs of defense, aerospace, and national and homeland security customers. ES was using multiple troubleshooting approaches with inconsistent, time-consuming results and clients were noticing


In 18 months, BAE Manassas documented 68 applications with the 10 largest yielding over $2 million in savings. Positive cultural changes came from increased interaction among the technical team, improved productivity, and better morale. Customer quality assurance audits reported marked improvements in BAE’s ability to troubleshoot issues quickly.

Apollo XIII: An Abbreviated Use of Problem Analysis

Aerospace & Defense

Apollo XIII was on its way to the moon. Fifty-four hours and fifty-two minutes into the mission—205,000 miles from earth—and all was well. Then John L. Swigert, Jr., duty commander at the time, reported: “Houston, we’ve got a problem here…. We’ve had a Main Buss B undervolt.” This was an insider’s way of saying that electrical voltage on the second of two power generating systems had fallen off and a warning light had appeared. A moment later the power came up again. Swigert reported: “The voltage is looking good. And we had a pretty large bang associated with the caution and warning there.” Three minutes later, as the dimensions of the problem became clearer, he reported: “Yeah, we got a Main Buss A undervolt too….It’s reading about 25½. Main B is reading zip right now.”


In the NASA incident, the presence of a systematic approach enabled a team of people to work together as a single unit, even though they were separated from the deviation by nearly a quarter of a million miles. For the NASA Houston engineers, this cause was difficult to accept.

Why KT?

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Run More Efficiently

KT will help you to clarify and remove recurring and

high-impact issues, supporting smoother and more

cost-efficient business operation.

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Confidence Under Pressure

KT's unique critical thinking methods are designed to

support you in situations of maximum stress. When it

really matters that you find the best solution, the KT

toolkit is proven to deliver.

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Process Plus Experience

KT consultants have a wealth of experience in

supporting clients use of the KT methods in a wide

variety of industries and situations. We can help you

get the maximum value from deploying the KT


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